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Bookmark Current Tab Set 0.2.2 Released

I was quite busy shortly before version 3.5 of the Mozilla Firefox web browser was released. I was unable to take the time needed to ensure that Bookmark Current Tab Set, the extension for Firefox that I wrote, was compatible with this newer version of Firefox. I was unfortunately unable to make this extension compatible with Firefox 3.5 by the time this newer version of Firefox was released. I understand that some may not be using this new version of Firefox because some Firefox extensions are still not compatible with it. For this reason, I have tried to have this extension updated as soon as possible. Now a new version of Bookmark Current Tab Set is available, and it is compatible with version 3.5 of Firefox.

The most significant difference between this version of the extension and previous versions of it is that this new version is compatible with Firefox 3.5. However, some might find that folders to which this extension adds bookmarks can no longer be placed within other bookmark folders. Some might also find that new folders cannot be created from the dialog box from which tabs can be bookmarked. However, this functionality was quite dependent on code in Firefox 3.0, and that code had been modified. The ability to put the folders that this extension creates within other folders may have been a seldom used feature, and it needed to be removed in order for this extension to be released within a reasonable amount of time. I apologize to those who made use of these features that needed to be removed. If some want this ability to put folders created by the extension into other folders, then the feature for doing this may appear again in future versions of this extension.

The extension can be downloaded and installed from here or from here. I would appreciate receiving feedback on this extension. It has also been modified so that it will not be as likely to conflict with other Firefox add-ons. For this reason, it will be more likely to be considered non-experimental soon, and so there may be more users who will suggest changes to it in the future. And when more users make suggestions on what can be adjusted in the extension, suggested changes will be more likely to be implemented.