Friday, September 12, 2008
As trusted as Google is, and as infallible as it may sometimes seem, sometimes mistakes are made by Google’s services. In fact, a rather amusing error appeared in Google News recently. When Russian troops entered the former Soviet republic of Georgia, a story about it on Google News included a map that indicated that these […]
SQL injection vulnerabilities have existed and have been exploited for several years. However, as is often the case with a class of security vulnerabilities, such vulnerabilities continue to exist long after methods of preventing these vulnerabilities become well-known. One might think that certain commonly-used SQL injection attack methods would not succeed long after they become […]
It has been more than two weeks since I have posted anything here. This has been one of the longest periods of time between posts to this blog. I had been on a two week vacation, and I have taken a vacation from posting here. And during that time, I have taken time to think […]
As my frequency of visits to Digg decreases, the probability of me writing Greasemonkey scripts that work with Digg also decreases. Plans that I had for writing scripts that work with Digg have been ranked lower among my priorities, and the completion and release of these scripts will occur later than I originally expected. In […]
If you are a blogger, you likely understand the importance of ensuring that what you post to your blog is as good as it can be before you publish it. You try to determine whether or not there are better ways of expressing ideas that you wish to convey. You take out anything in it […]
In the previous entry here, the release of the newest version of Firefox was mentioned. Also mentioned in that entry was the release of a new version of Greasemonkey that coincided with the release of this new version of Firefox. I mentioned that what may have been most important about this new version of Greasemonkey […]
Many have been awaiting the release of Mozilla Firefox version 3.0, as this version of the Firefox web browser will have many improvements over previous versions of it. I was not quite able to wait until the expected release date of June 17th to be able to start using Firefox 3. So I decided to […]
I have recently considered writing another entry here in which I would list Greasemonkey user scripts that are useful for a certain purpose. And when I search for scripts to write about, I ensure that I am able to provide links to the pages on on which these scripts can be found. So […]
Quite a while ago, I mentioned that I was writing a Greasemonkey user script that would allow users to perform advanced searches on Digg without having to search for anything on Digg first. It was actually not long after I wrote the script for automatically sorting search results on Digg by which ones received the […]
Log off. That cookie s— makes me nervous. –Tony Soprano The malicious activity that can result from Greasemonkey scripts having the ability to access cookies has been a topic of discussion among Greasemonkey aficionados. Cookie-related Greasemonkey issues and the possible solutions to them were mentioned in the recent trilogy of entries on this blog about […]